Statement: Minority Ballot Rejection Highlights Risk for Disenfranchisement

TAMPA, FL - Today, the Tampa Bay Times reported that according to a study following the November 3rd general election, minority and young voters had their ballots rejected at staggeringly high rates. Minority voter’s ballots were more than 60 percent more likely to be rejected compared to white voters. The ballots of young voters were three times as likely to be rejected. 

Sean Shaw, 2018 Democratic nominee for Florida Attorney General, released the following statement:

“In our current system, it’s no surprise that young and minority voters had their ballots rejected at higher rates. Young and minority voters already have enough trouble making it to the ballot box. Even if they jump the hurdles of institutional racism and policies tailor-made to shut them out from the system and silence them, we can’t even be sure that their vote will even be counted. Voter suppression laws are an intentional hurdle that the current GOP is using to depress African-American turnout all across the country.”

“We cannot continue to let Republicans and Governor DeSantis silence us with voter intimidation and misinformation. We are stronger than them, and it’s time our laws reflected that.”



People Over Profits, The ACLU of Florida, and The Florida Alliance Announce Pro-Democracy Ballot Initiative Effort


Sean Shaw: Office of Public Council — holding utilities accountable, protecting consumers